r/cryptocurrency censorship. They don't want people to read media articles about Blockstream's "privatizing" Bitcoin for its own ends ...

Link to original article:


Thank you /u/censorship_notifier for the heads up.

Hi btcnewsupdates,

This message is to inform you that your recent post was openly greylisted by the moderators of /r/CryptoCurrency. It will appear for you at that link, but not if you are logged out and was never live. You are not alone; /r/CryptoCurrency has removed at least 631 other items in the last 24 hours.

If, like us, you don't like others deciding what can be discussed, feel free to check into one of these fine subreddits which do not attempt to control their discussions: /r/BitcoinMarkets, /r/btc, /r/BitcoinBeginners, /r/BitcoinDiscussion

submitted by /u/btcnewsupdates
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