Is there a way to kill the entire cryptochain?

I have been thinking about this for a little while now. Basically, our entire world economic/banking system is ran on debt, the entire banking system is a lie, the money you have in your bank account does not actually belong to you and if everyone would ask for a withdrawal they would never receive their rightfully owned money.

If people start using crypto, where everyone would be the owner of his/her money and no 3rd party would be needed to store the money or to do the transactions. This would completely eradicate the large banking system that we know today. Banks would no longer be able to gamble with your money, their profits would be all gone and there would be almost no way for them to steal money again. Well, I don't see this happening too soon.

But could there be a threat to the entire crypto network? Could the governments destroy the network under the argument that "criminals use it, so we banned it"? If so, how can it be all done?

submitted by /u/SoloFish42
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