Sell BTC for USD/EUR or altcoins? Doomsday strategy


Since I'm unable to find any better place to ask for a review/advice about my trading strategy I'll start here (feel free to point me to a better place).

I bought about 20ish altcoins (on Bittrex) and set a LIMIT sell order on all of them for 100% + profit. It's all set up for when BTC starts its bear run. Once the bear run starts I expect most people to exchange their BTC for altcoins (primarily BCH since it always rises when BTC fails in my experience). Actually, I should say EXPECTED since I'm not quite sure anymore because there are a lot of new people jumping on the FOMO bandwagon that probably don't have the intention to trade cryptocurrencies so it might be that all/most altcoins will go down once BTC goes bearish.

So my questions are: 1. What do you think about my strategy? 2. What is your end-of-year trading strategy? Or strategy when BTC Futures arrive? 3. What is your BTC doomsday* strategy? (Do you think it's the same day Futures arrive?)

  • Doomsday might be a too strong of a word. BTC might not start falling TOO drastically after all.
submitted by /u/karacic
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