I'm expecting a big day tomorrow across the board

  1. Ether is dropping yet 24hr volume is going up on coinmarketcap.

  2. Ether has shown it's market importance as many other coins are currently in the red meaning their value could be tied to ethers similarly to how everything tends to trend downwards when BTC has a bad day.

  3. These lows mean people can invest in several currencies at prices that have been lower than they have been in a while which will cause a natural influx in price.

  4. Many people have been posting trend analysis of Ether going up soon, I especially remember seeing a few yesterday, yet there was just big drops today. If any of them are right it makes sense for a drop to occur before a big rise.

What're your guys' thoughts?

NOTE: I'm not a financial analyst or anything. Just a guy into tech and cryptos. I could potentially be wrong and the whole market could very well implode tomorrow for all I know. Good luck trading and investing, we all wanna go to the moon.

submitted by /u/khanondrum
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