opinion on cold storage

Greetings brethren,

Since my holdings have become more valuable I've been keeping it in cold storage.

I figured if I keep one copy on my pc, and 2 on 2 usb keys that I keep at 2 different secure physical location I should be fine, but then I realized that since I keep all my passwords in a single notepad (physical), and it anything happens to it all my risk mitigation would be useless.

I've been thinking I could do something like this: Store encrypted USBKEY A in physical location 1, with password for USBKEY B, and then store encrypted USBKEY B in physical location 2 with password for USBKEY A etc. But then if I lose one of the 2 I'm fucked so it doesn't help anything.

Suggestions would be appreciated

submitted by /u/human205819
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