What makes for a good ICO in your opinion?

What do you look for in a quality ICO?

1) What elements of an ICO project are pluses in your opinion?

2) What red flags do you look for?

3) What mandatory requirements do you have in order to consider an ICO worthy of investing? (team? ICO price? Github code?)

4) What mistakes have ICO's made so far that have irritated the shit out of you, and which you think could've made all the difference, if they'd just done it differently?

When I look into ICO's I tend to have just a few things I look for: I look at the team page to determine competency, see if they have any recognizable backers, and then I pretty much look at the ICO price and total coin supply. For me, the total coin supply must be low if the price is above $1. If the total coin supply is in the hundreds of millions or into the billions, the ICO price must be proportionally cheaper. This is how I've made the most money picking ICO's.

What makes a good ICO in your opinion?

submitted by /u/BitcoinFOMO
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