Took out a personal loan to finance my portfolio, help me pick some cyrpts.

So I applied for a 10k loan. Haven't been approved yet but it will probably go through. APR will be between 6 and 10% so I just have to beat that and I'm golden. I can easily pay the interest with my day job so it's not going to ruin me. Need to make a kick ass portfolio so I can pay off the loan and let the rest ride. This is what I'm thinking.

  • item1 BTC is at its peak now or near a pull back so I don't want to buy any right now BCC is cheap right now and if people move over to it, it will explode NEO just exploded but has more room to grow ETH idk whats going on for price action, but it is a long term coin to hold for sure OMG is all the rave right now, idk about it fundamentals but I think I can make some money off it at least FCT has big potential but isn't moving so I will wait until it takes moving to jump in ARK has a lot of talk, idk if I believe in it but might make a few bucks off it

How should I spread the money out over these? Evenly over all of them except BTC and FCT?

submitted by /u/MeepJingles
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