Trading Cryptos as newbie is kinda confusing in terms when to sell (e.g. mycoin/BTC is down but BTC/USDT is up) and how to keep track ?!

Hi there,

i started to trade cryptos a few weeks ago. for me it is hard to judge if I have to sell or if I should hold. Especially if e.g. the Value of my Coin to BTC maybe dropped , but on the same time maybe BTC raised alot to USD.

In that Case if I sell my coin to BTC i make loss, but if I also sell the BTC for USDT Im in profit again. Whats the proper way to judge If it is profitbale for me to sell or not ? You alwayss ell into BTC only, or always straight to BTC -> to Fiat, or recalculate profit for both ?!

Thank you

submitted by /u/Ray311073
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