Help with portfolio please?

Hello! I have already invested in some crypto(ETH, GNT, BTC, SC) but have now decided to take it more seriously. I would appreciate any comments/concerns you have about my portfolio.

I am a college student so unfortunately don't have a large amount of money to invest each time I have the opportunity to. I plan holding all these long term.

Ether - 40%

Bitcoin - 10%

Golem - 10%

Sia - 8%

lisk - 8%

waves - 5%

nem - 5%

Stratis - 4%

wings - 4%

This leaves six percent left. Which would either go to one(or distributed between) of those above or into a different coin(s). Some other coins I am interested in but not sure if they are worth investing in are: DigiByte, Ardor, GameCredits, Factom.

And then with less enthusiasm: SwarmCity, Monero(feel like Im too late for this one), Ubiq.

Thank you I really appreciate it!

submitted by /u/Danny98m
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