What Is Billions Trader The Game About? The Burning Questions Answered That You Have To Know In One Gripping Synopsis

What Is Billions Trader The Game About? The Burning Questions Answered That You Have To Know In One Gripping Synopsis

Billions Trader The Game.

A Billion Is Not Enough

How Much Is Enough?

Do You Want To Be A Billionaire Raider And Trader?

How Much Money Do You Want?

How Much Would You Be Satisfied With? Bend And Break The Law To Make Even More Billions,

This is a question traders never seem to think hard about, the answer is, you just don’t know. You will not even be sure how to think about the question. You spend all day trying to make as much money as you possibly can, and you cheerfully bend and break the law to make even more billions, but somehow the concept of "enough" eludes you. Like all gamblers, you are perhaps not even really interested in money, but in the action. Money is just the way to keep score.

The billionaire is a predator, a corporate raider, a Wall Street wizard. This is now you, the name no doubt inspired by the traders that feed on an adrenaline induced frenzy when trading. Players like you understand the game called "Wall Street," the paces relentlessly phone calls behind the trading desk money markets held up by winners in skyscrapers, lighting cigarettes, stabbing them out, checking stock prices on banks of computers, buying and selling orders. In your personal life you have everything you could possibly want - lovers, family, estates, helicopters, jets, art - and they are all just additional entries on the scoreboard. You like to win. You always win.

You are no kid working as a broker for a second-tier Wall Street firm. You are known as “The BT”. The Billions Trader is always hungry and always up to make a killing, they will do anything. Sex and possessions are secondary to trading, to the action. Ask any Billions Trader.

The game's “Billions Trader” is a radical critique of the capitalist trading mentality, and it obviously comes at a time when the financial community is especially affluent. The game argues with your emotions that most other players are poor investors and are duped by you, and that the big market killings are made by players such as you, who swoop in and snap whole companies out from under the noses of other players/stockholders. What the Game does in play is some times immoral and often illegal, but the cards drawn use a little litany to excuse themselves: "Too big to fail." "Jury Acquitted! The Case Was Extraordinarily Fragile." "There's something every time you turn a card for everybody." "Who knows what the expenditure dividend and misconduct card holds except us?"

This game does not have a traditional game structure: The hunger is impressed by the successful player, and should be seduced by winning, and betraying others, and then deceived as other players tries to turn the tables. The actual details of the plot are not so important as the changes we see in the characters as they chase the win or the billions certificate of stock. Few people and players in recent games have to be colder and more ruthless than you, or more convincing. You are, by comparison, a lion in the woods. You should prefer an aggressive approach with strong actions who seems more rapacious, than other players, who has a leading role in the game the king player. If the game has a flaw, it is that some player will never seem quite relentless enough to move in “The BT”. Circle of play.

“The BT”. Most impressive achievement in this “GAME” is to allow all the financial wheeling and dealing to seem complicated and convincing, and yet always have it make sense. The game can be followed by anybody, because the details of stock manipulation are all filtered through transparent layers of greed. Most of the time we know what's going on. All of the time, we know why.

Although “The BT”. law-breaking would of course be opposed by most people on any stock exchange, his larger value system would be applauded. The trick is to make his kind of money without breaking the law. Financiers, who can do that, are mentioned as possible presidential candidates, and state, quite simply, that money no longer interests them very much. “The BT”. is more motivated by the challenge of a deal and by the desire to win. This frankness is refreshing, but the key to reading that statement is to see that it considers only money, on the one hand, and winning, on the other.

What's intriguing about "Billions Trader" - what may cause the most discussion in the weeks to come - is that the game's real target isn't the portrayal of stock broker the criminals who break the law. The game's target is the value system that places profits and wealth and the Deal above any other consideration. this game is an attack on an atmosphere of financial competitiveness so ferocious that ethics are simply irrelevant, and the laws are sort of like the referee in cage fighting competition - part of the show.

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submitted by /u/sakhawath
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