I need to never sleep again. I just can't win.

I predicted that Lisk would dip soon and I had some money ready to buy into the dip. But my dilemma was how should I best keep my money on Bittrex since I couldn't just keep it in fiat. I put my money in Neo just to hold last night until Lisk dropped.

Now I wake up, Lisk has dropped below 6 but Neo has dropped as well! Now my currency is worth less so it wouldn't even be beneficial for me to buy right now. So I'm probably going to miss this dip. And I know that the prices drop over night often but I needed to sleep.

So the question is what currency is the most stable on Bittrex that I can use to store my funds. I didn't want to put it in LTC, BTC, of Ethereum because of the idea of them dropping. What about Ripple? It seems pretty stable.

submitted by /u/ProfessorGanymede
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