Layer 1 vs Layer 2 Crypto-Assets

So I don't know if you guys have read this blog post. If you haven't you should definitely give it read.

Basically it goes into detail about layer 1 Crypto-assets (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple), and layer 2 Crypto-assets (Ethereum Dapps, Maidsafe). The article says that if layer 2 applications become widely used, then the layer 1 token it is based off of will appreciate as well, because they become more valuable.

Basically an example is that if something like Augur or Golem become successful and widely used, Ether will be in higher demand and the price will appreciate. Obviously this makes sense.

My question is, does this mean Layer 1 investment is a smarter/safer choice? Is it worth investing in layer 2 assets at all? I am thinking of allocating a percent of my portfolio to higher risk layer 2 assets, because if one or two ethereum Dapps succeed, and the rest fail, those Dapp tokens will go up (theoretically) a higher % than just the Ethereum token.

Basically, my thought's are that even though ethereum's success is linked hand in hand with its Dapps' success, it might be more profitable if you can pick the right Dapps, is that a sound logical way of thinking?

submitted by /u/shode
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