Looking for guidance on wallets

Noob here, so sorry if I offend anyone with my ignorance. I've been researching crypto for about a month now and feel pretty good about getting in (kinda wish I would've pulled the trigger when this was introduced to me but oh well). One thing that I'm not sure about a is which wallet to use an when. I've gathered that it is risky to keep coins on an exchange, so if you aren't actively trading, it's better to take them off. So where do you put them? Is it best to just use one wallet or do you keep multiple wallets? For example, if you have 2 coins of X and 2 coins of Y, would you put them all in the same wallet? Would you put each into their own wallet? Would you have a wallet for each coin? Also, does the type of wallet matter depending on what you're doing with the coins? Am I even close to understanding this correctly? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/PencilvesterIsMyDad
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