Is a strong BTC price good/bad/irrelevant to my strategy?
Given my strategy below; is the current price of BTC irrelevant? Ie, if I wait for BTC to drop 5% it wont really have much affect on my strategy.
I intend to create a very small diversified portfolio of cryptocurrencies to hold; ETH, BTC, BTS, LTC, LSK. AFAIK I cant purchase these currencies outright using USD or AUD (atleast not in Poloniex). I need to purchase another cryptocurrency (for eg, BTC) then trade BTC to XYZ (correct?). In the last week BTC has gone up quite a bit so I was thinking of holding off and waiting till BTC levels out or corrects (if it does at all).
But I've kindof confused myself. Given my strategy above; is a strong BTC good, bad or irrelevant?
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