Hello everyone! Firt things first, I was a part of his free community since mid summer (and paid patreon too), which was actually OK and pulled off a few good deals (it wasn't that hard though during booming summer - everybody was making $$$). Nobody ever does anything for anybody else besides himself in the first spot, but we all listened to his bold statements 'I'm doing this for you guys'. Times changed. There's still hundreds of blind sheep following Ian in his lowest Patreon tiers. Basically, in August his model turned into paid following, with different Membership Tiers ranging from $10 (few days ago after Cobinhood scandal this tier got removed) to $2,500 per month. Concerns got voiced couple of weeks ago, when basically for $50,000\month paid to the guy in membership fees he shows up online couple of times for few brief messages and 1 to 2 streams PER WEEK, the rest of time he just travels across the country through different conferences, being busy to w...