
Showing posts from March 5, 2018

Technology & Choice #30, Decentralizing Energy for Real (Plus a BIG Crypto Easter Egg), with Jim McCanney

NOTE: There is an explosive Easter Egg of revelation in the body of this episode regarding cryptography. It is likely you haven't heard about it before, so keep hands on your bonnet. "Alternative Energy" as we've known it has been a disaster for the most part. Everybody wants to "be green," do it right, be efficient, be really smart, but billions in government subsidies have mainly resulted in no progress except to line a lot of pockets and increase central control. Professor Jim McCanney is an almost unicorn-level oddity amongst scientists: a truly independent scientist who has funded his own research and never signed non-disclosure agreements or other intellectual chains to any government, corporation or other institution. He's gone his own way and applied his genius where he thought it was needed. Scientists and their institutions either love him or hate him. He's made many discoveries that contradict "main stream" scientists. You...

Let's Talk Bitcoin! #358 The Cartman Syndrome

On Today's Episode of Let's Talk Bitcoin... Adam, Andreas, Jonathan and Stephanie discuss the SEC's recent comments, Circle's Acquisition of Poloniex and where these events indicate we are on the march towards "legitimacy". After the break, cryptocurrency conferences have come a long way... Well, not all of them. This episode of Let's Talk Bitcoin! was sponsored by and was edited by Matthew Zipkin. Today's discussion featured Stephanie Murphy, Jonathan Mohan Andreas Antonopoulos and Adam B. Levine. This episode featured music by Jared Rubens & General Fuzz. Any questions or comments? email Read More

Chilean National Energy Commission Adopts Blockchain Technology

via ETHNews

Bittrex Publicizes Ban On Users From Five Countries and Regions, Cites US Law

via ETHNews

Blockchain Technology Highlighted As Germany Forms Coalition Government

via ETHNews

European Commission Considers Blockchain Standards, Licenses For Crowdfunding Platforms

via ETHNews

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: Unclear If Bitcoin Is A Currency

via ETHNews

Vitalik Buterin Proposes Ether Staking To Combat Fake News, Spam, And Scams

via ETHNews