Good day everyone, I would like to start off with an inb4 shitcoin, p&d, etc. GG. Yes, that's right, we have an altcoin called Trollcoin. It's been around for a bit not doing much because some people don't have yachts and have to work. We have 2 developers who have been working on improving our bot and now have a nice pretty working model, but need people interested in using it. They have also made a chrome extension that allows all other users to see who is on right now and what they are streaming. There's other things, but I'm here to get twitch users who know what the hell a bitcoin is. How? Simply go to and type !join so the bot joins your channel. Technically, that's it! You don't even have to buy any coins, YAY! For more functionality, make the bot a mod, add the chrome plugin, and message our leader to get you started! More of that info can be found here: I'm not asking anybody to b...