SPOILER ALERT: There is no easy answer. "How to choose?" Many have asked: So many choices, with countless more to come. Basically, it's like investing in a penny stock. You have 2 choices: 1) pick one that sounds cool or your buddy recommends to you (because he thinks it sounds cool), invest a few dollars and cross your fingers for 2000x growth. 2) Just like choosing a stock, look at what fundamental differences in philosophy and technological strategy each ICO claims, and develop a POV on what will be viable in the long term. Also take into account the team (past successes and lessons learned). I hate to be so vague, but markets are made because people disagree and valuation is tenuous. There is no right answer. Do research, develop an opinion, and have conviction in your choice. Or just ask a friend and blame him when it crashes. ALWAYS ASK "WHY"? What is needed is a proper medium ICOs can use to explain how their ICO is differentiated so the public can...