
Showing posts from May 29, 2017

Poloniex lending "30 days" vs "2-30 days"

On the loan list, I see some loans with a duration of "30 days" and some with "2-30 days", however it seems like you can't actually enter a range in the input box, so what is the difference with these, why do they display like that? submitted by /u/absurdparadox [link] [comments] Read More

Bitcoin vs Ether Vs XRP vs Your local bank

submitted by /u/SangNilaUtama [link] [comments] Read More

FACT...fat people LOVE butter toffee

submitted by /u/ProfShelz1 [link] [comments] Read More


Been doing some research into crypto coins, markets, you know the usual. After two days of googling, ircing, mailing this is what I found out: -you can'ttrust anyone -all exchanges are fishy -couldn't figure out why reddit links to exchanges actually promote fishy markets like say polo(in the links sections) -couldn't find any good howtos -mostly outdated info I do believe in crypto coins but I'm currently completely overwhelmed with amount of dubious information one can find even on these sites. People come here to seek quality info and instead they get redirected to scam exchanges. fucck off reddit submitted by /u/-tiny-- [link] [comments] Read More


submitted by /u/bkcryptotrader [link] [comments] Read More

Still not verified with Kraken. What on earth is taking so long?

It's been close to two weeks now... submitted by /u/mobywiener [link] [comments] Read More

Bolivian Authorities Arrest 60 Cryptocurrency Promoters

The Bolivian Financial System Supervision Authority ASFI arrested 60 cryptocurrency promoters last week. According to a statement published by the ASFI, in which it refers to bitcoin and several altcoins, the arrestees were carrying out training activities relating to investments that have characteristics of multilevel schemes. The agency also indicated it will track down Bolivians promoting Bitcoin online.The only thing these people are doing is taking advantage of the population and deceivi

Baseball on the Blockchain One Fan's Quest to Merge Two Passions

Could blockchain solve problems for America's pastime Tech enthusiast Josh Metnick gives the idea an epic at bat.nSource

$MAIDBTC Technical Analysis. BushhyAT <--- Twitter

submitted by /u/bushhy [link] [comments] Read More

Help a noob

So I am now a proud owner of some ether. Lost a bit in fees, but have made it back already which is nice. I'm interested in doing some trading however and this is where I'm feeling very lost. I've requested verification at Quadriga and it's stuck pending, they have very limited options for trades anyways. Kraken, stuck at pending. Poloniex, won't generate an address for me to deposit ether. Are there other options? I'm also interested in an ico, mysterium to be exact. But I'm not sure how to go about participating? Is there a trading crypto for beginners resource anyone can recommend? I've done a fair bit of reading already, but perhaps not in the right places. Or maybe I just need to get my hands dirty in order to fully understand. submitted by /u/mdeleo1 [link] [comments] Read More

Uh..Sleepy-Time CMC Report w/PoppONaya ... Ecuador LOVES using Bitcoin

submitted by /u/ProfShelz1 [link] [comments] Read More

Announcing the Status Network – Status Blog

submitted by /u/FutureAssetManagemen [link] [comments] Read More

What device(s) do you trade from?

I'm wondering if most "active" crypto types do so from a desktop web browser (at work?), phone, etc. Personally I have to have screen real estate so I'm browser all the way. submitted by /u/brownegg1971 [link] [comments] Read More

Chinas Biggest Exchanges to Add Ethereum, Other Altcoins as Demand Surges

As altcoins continue to gain popularity throughout the world, Bitcoin exchanges in China are also...nThe post China&8217s Biggest Exchanges to Add Ethereum, Other Altcoins as Demand Surges appeared first on

Long term strategy

Hello fellow redditors, I am pretty new to cryptocurrencies. I am very excited about this whole new world and have informed myself/ researched more or less 24/7 over the last few days. I have come to the conclusion that I want to be a part of this community and also want to invest some money on a long term basis. Here is what I am currently thinking to do: BTCs: I read a lot about the website NiceHash, I think it is a great way to accumulate BTCs. I am thinking of building myself 2 rigs and sell my hashing power on NiceHash 24/7 in order to accumulate BTCs. It is (long term) cheaper and more efficient to invest some money in a rig and to get paid for selling hashing power in BTCs than investing a certain sum of money in BTCs monthly. Example: 1 Rig I composed after researching would cost me about 4000€. This rig breaks even in about 4 months (implying current exchange rate of roughly 1BTC=2000$). This rig produces 0,5 BTC per month. Meaning after 4 months 1 rig produces 0,5 BCTs ...

ETH/USD Forecast: Recovery Capped By $180

via ETHNews

Beginner- Alt Currencies

Hello everyone! I am a student and a part job worker, so my investment wont be big for a start. I am planning to invest 100 € in bitcoins, then exchange them for some alt currencies. I am currently signed on Bitstamp and will do the buy there. Is there any good tips on how should I place the money and which currencies should I buy? I am planning to buy some currencies for long investment, but I have planty of time at work so I am thinking also of buying and selling currencies on short term. I am planning to leave some money on bitcoin, and buy some DOGEcoins. I know my questions are very beginner and they might annoy you but if you could help me with any tip and help on which currencies I should invest or how should I play the altcoin-bitcoin world, considering I am a full beginner I would be really glad. Also sorry for my half english. Have a good day submitted by /u/Asnmark [link] [comments] Read More

ELI5 : What makes the trends of BTC vs ETH so similar?

I have a small investment in Ethereum, and I have been trying to understand the price trends a bit better. From what I can tell, ETH and BTC usually suffer from the same swings, within reason. The highs and lows usually occur around the same times. Is this because most people's portfolios contain a combination of both, and they decide to buy / sell both at the same time? In a way, I feel like one should take from the other, so as the hype around ETH grows, and perhaps people move their money from BTC to ETH, you would see BTC go down as ETH goes up, but I haven't really seen that yet, though perhaps I am looking at it incorrectly. Perhaps this trend exists, but is dwarfed by people who are moving their money into and out of both overall? submitted by /u/house_nation [link] [comments] Read More

Beth – First ever closed-end fund backed by the latest advances in Deep Learning

submitted by /u/metaperl [link] [comments] Read More