Just as I predicted we did not have to wait long til Tether blew another load. This time it is only 20000000. They must be getting desperate seeing that Bitcoin is falling and they shot this one early. http://ift.tt/2xn8kin We might just expect a few new ones the following week as BitFinex tries to desperately pump up the Bitcoin price. Might be sign to start going bear mode. Also, another daily reminder of the BitFinex sham. I will post this until you like it: http://ift.tt/2yg7HYS http://ift.tt/2zs6U8I ^ ^ ^ Not how directors and senior managers are conveniently located in BVI, one of the jurisdictions known for supporting the shadiest of online businesses. Believe me, I know, I worked in offshore incorporations. EDIT: LOL, I was right, we are about an hour in and up 100$ already. EDIT 2: Was a nice 150$ runup Finex, can we have another one, please? EDIT 3: Chart showing how these fraudulent Tethers were put to work http://ift.tt/2yFkg4j http://ift.tt/2m28wD1 Takeaw...