Help needed


Please, I need some advice, I have no one to turn to. I got into the crypto business about 2 weeks ago. Before that, I've tried to read up on the topic and lurk forums for a few months, and I though I knew what I was getting into. Apparently, I was dead fucking wrong. With the crash of the altcoins, my portfolio red, and I've lost around 600 usd so far. Needless to say, I didn't gamble the a sum that would kill me upon losing, but my losses are still substantial.

If you could answer a few questions, I would be eternally grateful:

The fuck do I do? Sell all my shit, take my losses, and move on with my life/ reenter the market at a better time? Should I hold and pray? If so, how long? I have a few coins I can see going somewhere (QTUM, Link, Ripple), and a few gutter trash tier ones (First blood, Substratum, EBST). Should I just sell all my shit, and rush to BTC? How much can BTC realistically go up before the fork? After the fork, should I dump immediately, and rebuy at a lower price? After the last crash, most of the alts haven't recovered. Where is the bottom this time? How long will the alts continue to bleed? Will they bounce back? 

I know that to answer these questions with a 100% certainty one would need to see the future and its pretty much impossible, but I expect at least some of you can make educated guesses. I know I shouldn't take advice from internet strangers, but I'm desperate.

submitted by /u/flatusetadiposa
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