(free) Customizable Dashboard for Crypto. Track all your assets and get detailed graphs. Anyone would be interested in something like that ?

Anyone would be interested in a customizable Dashboard where you can track the price of any Cryptocurrency you want that is listed on Coinmarketcap ? For Windows/Linux (And MacOS I guess). And have it calculating your portfolio value depending on which assets you hold ? AUTOMATiCALLY. Of course. No need to enter anything. Just use exchange's API to get your balances and also convert to fiat.

Here are some screenshots of what I've acomplished so far. Some small bugs and things that needs to be finished/polished, but well, the basic is here.



You can set the interval of whatever timeline you want, from 1min to --no limit

It is based on Grafana and InfluxDB. I was inspired by this post : http://ift.tt/2z8URwh so kudo's to /u/geek_at for the basics, as I didn't really know anything about Grafana and InfluxDB before seing his post :)

What's working so far :

  • Get your balance's accounts automatically with API(read balance/acounts infos permission is the only one needed !) of all the currency you have for the following exchanges :
    -Bitfinex (Haven't tried it myself actually, I don't have anything with them for now so...)
    -Import your ETH wallet's balance if you have one. (BTC is planned).
    -More can easily be added I guess, I just don't have the time/needs to do it right now.

  • Convert the balance of every crypto-currency you have into FIAT value you want

  • Also convert the balance of every crypto-currency you have into another crypto currency (WIP)

  • Give you the total value of ALL your currencies into FIAT.

It's pretty easy to change the graphs to graph the currency you want.

So now here the thing : I'm not a developper at all. I work in IT, but not as developper, I learned everything by myself over the years, so the code is far from being clean and optimized. (It's just a single php page that parse all the data and insert into InfluxDB, nothing super advanced neither). But I'm pretty bad at PHP even if I learned some stuff with this :) So I'm thinking of putting this in github and improve it with some people. I have a lot of ideas (and some bugs to fix) but I don't have enough time with my work and personal life.

So 2 questions here :

  • Most important, would some people be interested in this ?
  • Second, are there some people willing to help me to improve this ? People with knowledge in PHP and Grafana would be the best. I have some small bugs I just can't manage to fix for now and some help would be pretty nice.

That's it. If there's enough people, I'll keep you all updated. There's still some work to do and so on, so don't expect a release in the coming days (Unless a great dev/grafana guru pops up). Anyway, happy trading everyone !

submitted by /u/CryptoDashMan
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