Judge my "safe with potential" portfolio
Have been trading around a year now .. had some wins and some losses ! Biggest win so far was investing in BTC to begin with , next would have to be buying ANS and hodl 'ing 😊 made a 40% gain on portfolio and moved most back to btc to keep profits high ..
Have been trying to make the best portfolio that will stay fairly steady, but still have a potential to boom with a smaller chance of crashing completely and this is my idea of a safe portfolio with massive potential
I'm posting this to get your thoughts , as I love hearing others options !
Also I'm not posting this to be lazy . I generally want options , I spend around 3 hours a day studying cryptos , trading as needed ..
Bitcoin BTC - 40% Neo NEO - 20% NeoGas GAS - 10% Iota IOTA - 10% Ether ETH - 10% OMG / TEZOS - 10% ( this is trading and icos/ may change )
The high percentage of Btc is to keep stability and so you don't want to jump off a cliff because you have lost your whole life savings because an alt coin failed ... Bitcoin has been around the longest , it's the one you can usually rely on ..
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