Fingerprint Verification credit card investment

Hi all, I'm a long time lurker on reddit and have happily been involved in crypto for a few years now. As many long term hodlers are likely doing, I've been looking for ways to diversify my growing assets while keeping exposure to the blooming cryptocurrency field. I like many of you am completely bullish on the technology.

There is a small stock trading over the counter SmartMetrics (SMME:OTCQB) which may be the first in the world to develop a card looks exactly like a credit card except it needs fingerprint verification before use.

1) They have been on the radar of Visa and Mastercard for years as they successfully fought off a lawsuit brought on them by Visa and Mastercard (link below)

2) They recently completed the card technology (over a decade in the works) but have not yet seem significant movement in their share price, they are currently working on a new video to showcase the product. You will notice that one of the links on their website are locked due to a NDA.

3)As a recent owner of a bitcoin credit card, I know personally I would be very keen to pay for a card like this. Additionally, with the onslaught of cryptos aimed to track identities ect, the head start that SmartMetrics has on the associated technology could be worth a lot more than....

4) The market cap is only 15 Million! Seriously, if this company were funded by an ICO.... I can't speculate what it would have been pumped to. This coin might just be completely under the radar and could be a great buying opportunity!

Anyway, I've been trying to diversify my earnings into other avenues with high exposure to cryptocurrencies and thought I'd share this gem if anyone is interested. Obviously do all your own due diligence as my words are in no way financial advice.


Legal dispute won vs Visa/Mastercard

submitted by /u/mobally
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