If you've stumbled upon this post, you're welcome. Take this advice and you too can be a happy, wealthy man like myself in due time. In the stock market we refer to doubling our money as a 2 bagger, tripling your money is a 3 bagger. I think Vertcoin/VTC at its current price is a 10+ bagger, here is why. VTC is essentially a Litecoin clone, they will have in total 84 Million coins created - just like Litecoin. VTC has segwit - just like Litecoin and what Bitcoin just recently implemented. VTC is working with Litecoin on a technology called "atomic swap", which allows for the trading of one currency to another straight from your wallet without the need of a third party. Bitcoin is also said to be working on such a technology. Bitcoin Market cap = 45+ Billion Litecoin Market cap = 2.24 Billion Vertcoin Market cap = 20.4 Million. Yes, despite the striking similarities and active development team (they just released a brand new, slick looking website on 8/2/2017) Vertcoin is valued at 20 Million.. AKA chump change in the crypto space. If Vertcoin had a market cap of Litecoin's current cap, you'd 110 times your money. Yes, 110 times your money! Now, I'm not saying Vertcoin is going to reach Litecoin's current market cap. Although this is still very much possible because Litecoin is only going to continue to go up in my opinion as the cryptocurrency space is still in its infancy. BUT if Vertcoin just reached a measly market cap of 200 Million or more than 10 times less than Litecoin right now, you'd more than 10 times your money. That's a 10 bagger right there folks. I see it. You're welcome.
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