With the flippening close at hand it would be phenomenal if we could get Vitalik as a guest on the Joe Rogan podcast. It would be incredible not just for the price of ether but for the greater understanding of the platform and its inevitable mainstream adoption. Joe Rogan as most of you are surely aware is an incredibly influential personality on the web with the ability to reach millions across all walks of life and he has previously hosted Andreas Antonopoulos for a 3 hour discussion about bitcoin.

Let's work together to get Vitalik on the Joe Rogan experience. With enough demand, guests end up being bumped onto the show very quickly. Everyone here stands to benefit from this arrangement so let's do all we can to make it a reality. One of the main producers who is responsible for arranging guests on the podcast is this guy named Jamie Vernon…

This is his twitter...

And this is his instagram...

Let's try to appeal to him about having Vitalik as a guest. It might be a good idea to DM Joe Rogan directly on twitter but given his high profile, it's unlikely to get through... unless of course there is a coordinated deluge of requests… We need a lot of people to work in concert on such an effort…

If in the event that we can make this a reality, all holders stand to benefit tremendously along with all the idealists. If anyone knows anyone connected to Vitalik, let's please float this idea by him. The fact that some magic internet money is up 5000% since January and is about to overtake bitcoin's dominance in the global crypto market should be of interest to even the most uninformed layman. To say nothing of Ethereum's various speculative technological benefits… LET'S DO IT! AWAKEN THE HORDE!


From my personal inbox...

"Vitalik is interested :)

from ashajaywalk sent 3 hours ago

Hey someinvestorguy,

I'm Vitalik's assistant. I noticed the couple of posts you've been making about getting Vitalik on the Joe Rogan Podcast. While it did get a lot of negative comments, it also did gain a good amount of traction and upvotes.

So I texted Vitalik and he said he's interested, and to see if we can get things set up.

From what I know so far, Twitter, a popular reddit thread, and getting in contact with Jamie Vernon is how we can get things started.

You've made 2 posts about this so far which got ~600 upvotes. You're obviously putting in the work to make this happen. If you could xpost it to more subreddits, that would be great.

And I'd love if we could brainstorm on how we could get this to work.



Original screenshot...

So Vitalik is willing... we just need to get the attention of Joe Rogan's team and it will likely happen which benefits us all. Sign the petition and voice your support.

submitted by /u/someinvestorguy
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