Are you a trader?

Been trading and riding the waves this weekend, and I really want to know: How many of you are actual traders, in this I mean: have you actually quit your job to trade in crypto? I mean, this is a bullmarket, and it's almost impossible to lose money. I'm actually considering taking a 6 month leave from my job, just to daytrade. I made some serious bank this weekend, and I can't help but notice one simple fact: Every day I go into work, I lose money.

I remember talking to a poker pro at some point in my life. He said something that latched itself onto my mind like fucking glue: Man, you don't just quit your job. I didn't start playing poker professionally after making abit of money. It was a gradual thing. I was hashing it out in my day-to-day job, getting back home, doing my usual things, then I went to play poker half the night. I started making some money, and before I knew it, I was making more money playing poker than I was staying at my actual job. After a few months of this, my girlfriend asked me why I was still going into work, and for the life of me, I didn't have an answer. The logical answer was, I needed to quit my job, and start taking poker seriously.

I'm not saying I'm gonna quit my job, seeing as well, I don't like the idea of living on the streets. But for the life of me, I honestly don't know why I still keep going to work, even at my own companies.

submitted by /u/SoNElgen
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