Quick Bitpetite review

5 weeks into a 23xLTC Bitpetite investment for a total return of 33.8LTC on a 6 week term (4.5% interest daily) So far with a week left to go things have been going smoothly and have been able to withdraw profits daily. I do like the part about no trading bots ect... they offer an actual service BTC tumbler and the fees on the users is what pays the 4.5% daily interest to the investers from what I have seen a lot of BTC/ETH/LTC traders are using this tumbler to hide/mask their transactions 47% return on a 6 week investment and 80% on a 9 week. definitely worth looking into have already been running for 6months with zero problems I won't put my referral on here but if anyone is interested an would like to help me out feel free to message me for it

submitted by /u/crytokeepe
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