App idea to track slack, telegram, discord channels of crypto-coins- feedback?
Just thinking loud here. Most crypto-coin team members are active on their individual slack/ telegram/ discord channels. Given there are hundreds of coins to track and its impossible to follow all their communication channels- because 75% of the time, the channel members are talking junk- with tons of GIFs, smileys, personal dramas etc. instead of asking the team relevant Qs about product/ news.
Do you guys think it would be cool if there is an app through which you could join all the different channels, but it only shows you messages from Admins of that channels? So basically whenever the community manager, or team member of the channel replies, we see that.
This would help the user stay updated with what all is happening in all his/ her selected coin channels, without having to bother reading through 10,000s junk talks that have no value add in trading. Would love your feedback. Thanks
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