ICO's to the moon and some just don't

So I'm following most subreddits regarding crypto pretty closely last months. As I am investing, I'm looking mostly to roadmap, dev team, technology and PR before investing. That made me invest in - next to obv ETH and BTC- in Iota and Antshares (NEO). Bought Iota immediately after it hit exchanges at .00040 and due to misplaced order at .0024 bought ANS at .0042 (shit happens). Although I am happy with these investments - I'm in it for the long run- I cannot say I'm not disappointed with the price drops. Especially when I see less familiar coins like sexcoin, cannabiscoin, shitcoin,.. go skyrocketing. We are all investors, so we do hope to get the winning ticket on of them and go up 700% in a day.

My question really is, does it really matter in this market to invest into good projects on short term? And why do those non-relevant coins go up so much without much talk around them? Or am I just to greedy to expect revenue after a week in this market?

submitted by /u/MasterJ09
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