I wrote a Financial Advisor for Stocks, Crypto, and More. It's currently being Beta tested, predicted ETH rise and fall

Hello everyone!

I wrote a financial adviser (of sorts) in college (2013) and have since used it to profit pretty handsomely. In December 2016, we decided to make a web app (called Piglet) available to others (it's just an MVP).

The website: http://ift.tt/2r0xOQJ

Recently, I used it decide which crypto currency to invest in, and it helped me decide to choose ETH over BTC. Although it's not Ethereum specific, it definitely helped me the last couple months. Figured, I would share that with the community (click "How to Use Piglet" on the landing page)

We threw up the MVP, looking to get feedback. If anyone is interested in participating in the Beta, it's free so long as you complete our monthly feedback surveys (sent out the 1st of every month).

We currently have no limit how long you can be in the trial period (i.e. keep it free). However, if you don't fill out the survey, then you'll be charged for that month / year.

That being said, we have a coupon for 6 months free - if you're interested send me a message.


Feel free to ask questions, I'll do the best I can to answer them.

submitted by /u/austingwalters
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