Coinbase Customer Service Response

Last night I attempted to buy 1 ETH through the Coinbase iOS app. After the final confirmation dialog, I got a message saying the transaction couldn't be completed. Later on I tried another transaction... this time 2 LTC. That was successful. Recieved a confirmation email and a few minutes later, the LTC appeared in my account. This monrning, I logged into coinbase on my computer and noticed that the failed transaction is now pending. WTF? so, I emailed customer support explaining the situation:

" I tried to make a purchase yesterday of 1 ETH. I went through all the prompts and after the final confirmation prompt I got the message "something went wrong" and my transaction couldn't be completed. I went on later to make a successful buy of a different currency. This morning, when I logged in, the unsuccessful transaction is now showing up as pending. I would like this transaction canceled as I would not have made that second purchase if I was not told the previous transaction had failed. Ref Code for this transaction is: <redacted>"

Their Response: "I’m very sorry for any trouble with this.

I’m afraid transactions cannot be cancelled once the bank transfer process has started as this is an external process.

Once your transfer completes, you could immediately place a sell order to have your funds returned to your bank account. Your funds would arrive back in your account within 1-2 business days. The sell menu can be found at:

Please note that the expected arrival date of your funds is given on the Confirmation dialog prior to placing the order. You would also have received an email confirming this information when you confirmed the order.

Again, we apologize for the trouble. If you have any further questions or concerns please let us know and we would be happy to assist you."

Really? I received no confirmation email. I received was a dialogue that told me the transaction couldn’t be completed. This was a problem on their end and their response is that I can place a sell order once I receive my funds? What about the fees that I am incurring on both of those transactions? What an absolutely terrible response. I understand that the bank transfer can't be reversed once it's in progress but there has got to be a better solution than selling in 7 days.

Oh well, ETH will probably be priced higher than I bought it for by then and It's never a bad thing to be hodling more crypto. And it's not like i'm out any money. I just couldn't believe that that was their response.

submitted by /u/fohchris79
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