SAFEX dividend calculator explained
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the dividend calculator, so KryptoKyng from the /r/safex thread wanted to try to provide clarity ahead of the instruction video:
Estimated Trade Volume: This is the estimated volume of the Chille marketplace (which will be released over the coming months). This is up to you to estimate. Do you think it will do $2 million in volume? Do you think it grabs part of the dark web and goes to $500 million? What if it's used as a way to sell commodities? $2 billion?
Marketplace fee: The default is 5% of the transaction volume, but this has not been confirmed yet. Essentially, it's saying that 5% of every transaction will be paid in dividends to SAFEX holders. No, you don't get actual SAFEX or USD, but you 5% of the transaction value in the equivalent number of Chille. If the price of Chille is higher, you get less Chille; if the price of Chille is lower, you get more Chille...but the USD equivalent remains the same.
Safex Market Cap: The default is today's market cap. You can change this. Again, it comes down to what you believe. If the Chille marketplace is booming with $500 million, you, as a SAFEX holder receive some pretty heft dividends, which will drive the value of Safex up. But also, don't forget that SAFEX can also be used as an "offshore" tax shelter, which could even further drive up value.
Projected Safex Dividend Yield %: The "percent" sign is key here. As the Chille marketplace has more volume, the 5% dividend will increase in absolute dollar amounts; however, higher volume in the Chille marketplace will also lead to a higher Safex market cap (due to the demand of Chille related to the dividends). If you keep the estimated trade volume for Chille at $500 million, and increase the safex market cap, you'll see that the dividend yield goes down in percentage terms, but don't fret, you are doing on.
Your Safex Holdings: This is the number of safex coins you own today (or plan on owning). Value of Safex Holdings: Very simply, this is the market cap $ from above, divided by the 2.1 billion safex outstanding (this number will never increase).
Projected Value of Annual Yield $: Here's where it get's interesting. In no scenario will we see a $500 million Chille marketplace, and Safex's market cap at $20 million. Why? That implies that if you hold 100,000 safex (a cost of $1,000) today, you'll get $1,160 in dividends each year! Think about that.. What will that do? That would drive up the price of SAFEX!
What this means: If you believe the Chille marketplace will be successful, now is the time to buy Safex coins. You can literally invest $1,000 today, and receive $1,000 in dividends each year going forward (assuming the other assumptions become realized). If you buy Safex in the future, let's say when it's a market cap of $1.0 billion, then your 100,000 shares would cost you $50,000...and you'd get that same $1,160 in dividends.
In other words, if you buy now for $1,000, you stand to have both capital appreciation (i.e. going from $1,000 to $50,000 if Safex hits $0.50 per share), and receive over $1,000 per year in dividends. The team responsible for developing Safex believes that a realistic value range is in the $0.50 to $2.00 per share (again, think about that!)
The value of Safex is comprised of so many moving parts with a ton of potential. It's a potential store of value to be used as a tax haven (what tax haven right now is completely anonymous, outside of government reach, and pays dividends?!). It's a dividend machine. It's needed to become a merchant on the Chille market place. And don't forget about the airdrop of Chille to existing Safex holders! And voting rights on the marketplace (i.e. what's allowed to be sold, etc.)!
From KryptoKyng on /r/safex
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