new with some quick questions
hey being totally new to this i have some questions for you guys
regardless of what platform you trade off of, are the only differences just the features/types of stuff you can buy and the fees? even though the trading platform websites are different they all buy/sell from the same place correct?
what is the preferred way of turning your btc into actual hard cash/deposits, is there something people recommend more?
why is there different coins showing up on trading markets, with no buy/sells but they do have buy orders?
is there a site that properly lists/shows all currencies in circulation, most that ive seen seem to focus on btc/eth/doge etc, lots of the more obscure currency dont even show up
how many currency per day are being released, and how are they somehow all obtaining value, you would think that if you had so many of one thing eventually there is gonna be no reason to have so many?
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