If you look at Bittrex graphs, nearly every BTC exchange has a graph in the shape of the letter W. All at the same time. That is strange. If you were to look at it like a scam you would see this would be the fastest way to get the momst money put onto their exchange. I mean, all the graphs are up tirty percent, down twenty five percent and up a bit. All at the same time, same shape.

I pointed this out to someone and they said USA citizens were banned from trading on this exchange, which is a USA exchange. Which makes me wonder if they are about to exit scam the people outside of USA as bugger all would be done about it if they were not hurting US citizens while they are located in USA.

Look i highly doubt this is happening but it does look strange all the graphs like this at once and for USA not to be able to use Bittrex if that is true, and the SEC having a say on ICO's, maybe they are having a say on exchanges or exchanges know something is coming?

Yeah yeah, im probably spreading FUD but i am a bit concerned, I have seen many exit scams before so I have to ask if anyone else who has experienced a couple of exit scams , what they think about all the graphs being the exact same nearly.

Have a look at these six random ones as an example.

submitted by /u/CryptoHistoryRepeats
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