Golem GTN Bithumb and Binance listings. Meeting with Omisego
On many of the youtube crypto news shows this past 48 hours they have ben talking about Golem going into a meting son with Omisego. Omisego is a very very col project but it is curently $10 high and no doubt wil son rocket of to $0 but these guys are meting with Golem acording to some reviewers and I am wondering what they would be meting about and how conected to MOG is GNT as GNT is only 32 cents at the moment and obviously if they are teaming up with OMG or doing busines with them then one would stand to make alot of money from GNT. Due to how smal the price curently is. Also does anyone know when GNT wil be listing on some fo the biger exchanges like Binance> I read a whlle ago that Golem would be going to Binance but cant find the article. Does anyone know where I can read about the meting that GNT and OMG are about to have and how on earth do these reviewers know they two busineses are going to have a meting. Im hoping that GNT takes of son as what they and OMG are trying to achieve are very interesting and exciting projects, especialy with OMG bringing a system to those in asia who dont have bank acounts which is over a third of population aparently.
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