Creating My Own DAO?


I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to ask such question.

Anyways, I'm working on a project to create my own DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). I have no deep technical knowledge on the subject of blockchain. I only understand the basic concept and some of the possible applications of it in the real world. Outside of blockchain, my technical knowledge only consists of some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Recently, I've been reading about Aragon — a DAO built on Ethereum that basically lets you create your own DAOs. Their aim is to make it as user-friendly as possible to run your own DAO, without having too much technical knowledge about blockchain. I've read their white paper to get an understanding of how their project works. Currently, they've only released an Alpha version.

I'm looking for more projects similar to this, where everything including the smart contracts are already coded for you, and all you have to do is configure your DAO however you want. Or at least projects that require only a minimal technical knowledge of blockchain.

The next project I'm going to read about is RSK for Bitcoin. From what I've read about it, it gives Bitcoin the functionality to use smart contracts. However, I'm not sure if it its similar to Aragon in that it lets you create your own DAO right off the bat, or if it simply offers you the ability to code smart contracts.

What do you guys recommend? Any projects that you know of? How is RSK for Bitcoin different from Aragon?

Again, I'm new to all of this, so any information is greatly appreciated.


submitted by /u/iHuman_Plus
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