Compare the amount of ETH and BTC cashed out from ICO's with the recent drop in market cap?

If anyone has the time to do this, I'd be curious to count how many hundreds of millions $ or billions that ICO's the past 4-6 months have raised, and most likely cashed out to fiat, and see if that correlates somewhat or at all with how much market cap we have lost recently. Could the ICO explosion be bleeding capital from our crypto financial system?

If so, this could put a damper on the usual comeback / growth periods we usually see with crypto periods. Maybe this time it doesn't rebound as fast simply because of the giant leak in the tub

If we usually see $25 million in new capital inflow into cryptos each month, but now with all the ICOs, we have $100 million a month LEAVING cryptos, this is a net loss and could slow growth rates significantly.. no?

submitted by /u/3hackg
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