From traditional trading to crypto
Hi guys,
I recently enter the world of crypto trading. Ive experience with trading as I made a solid 10% of gain last year by trading titles by myself which I would say its a decent gain. Right now, Im looking to put a 2k try on litecoins since its pretty cheap and seems on a good trend at this moment (keeping a 1k for the dips).
So here is where im a lil bit lost.
- How you use your wallet data as a trader ? i.e. you open the wallet and buy through it or its where you conserve your trading proof
Avout safety: 2. which app you recommend as safe ? (Heard about one app being hacked not so long about and people loosing some of their investment?) 3. Why some traders here use VPN when the crypto suppose to have their own security protocol ? (Any personnal bad story to hear about?)
About coinbase : 4. Why does Coinbase offer direct bank buy/sell deposit of crypto to dollars and doesnt seems to work with a wallet data ? (Any fees by transaction or deposit from crypto to dollars ?) 5. Why.t.f. Coinbase only offer 3 cryptocurrency ?
My plan is to start with a Coinbase account as the community recommend it even if some bash the app for crashing when a dip appears.
Thanks for the help ! And glad to meet the crypto community.
(Sorry for my english, Im a french native speaker)
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